SY 2013-2014
Burrville ES recognizes the need for parents/guardians and families to be fully engaged
and involved in our school. We understand that parents are the first teachers of our
scholars, and as such, have a significant impact on their overall growth and development
at home, school and in the community.
Goals and Objectives
Burrville ES has developed a Parent Engagement Plan to guide and organize the school
staff towards meeting the following goals:
(1) Creating and maintaining a welcoming school climate by building strong relationships and communication between families and school staff.
(2) Partnering with families to support student achievement.
(3) Investing families and community in school success.
Expected Outcomes
• Burrville ES will increase parent and family involvement by engaging them through meaningful outreach efforts.
Our target for the 2013-2014 School Year are as follows:
• The PAST organization will represent at least 50% of our families.
• Attendance at PAST meetings will represent at least 30% of our families.
• Participation in family engagement activities such as family fitness night, literacy night, etc will increase by 15% from the previous year. Family participation in school events will improve the academic performance and social skills of our scholars as evidenced through PIA, DC CAS, DIBELS/TRC and attendance data.
• Families will have enhanced knowledge about programs and services offered at
the school as evidenced through Parent Surveys.
(1) Creating and maintaining a welcoming school climate by building strong relationships and communication between families and school staff.
Expectations of All Staff
• All staff will initiate contact with families in a cordial, warm, respectful and friendly manner.
• All staff will respond to families’ questions and concerns within 24 hours.
• All staff will engage parents at pick up and drop off to remind them about upcoming academic and school events.
• All staff will plan and participate in activities designed to positively increase parent-child and family school interaction such as Athletic Events, Family Fitness Nights, Literacy Night, Family Science Night, Math Olympics, Gala Auction.
• All staff will be warm, cordial and welcoming to families on the telephone and inperson. All staff will answer the telephone by greeting callers with, “It’s a beautiful day at Burrville, how may I help you?”
• All staff will ensure that all visitors have checked in with security and the main office as evidenced by their visitor badge.
Expectations of Teachers
• Teachers will reach out to and make meaningful contact with families of all their scholars at least twice per month (positive phone calls) and document contact on call log.
• Teachers will take note of family talents, scholar interests, and family challenges that can support academic success in the classroom by sending home an interest inventory to parents during the first week of school.
• Teachers will display student work throughout the school, through standards based bulletin boards.
• Teachers (Grade level Partners) and Specials Teachers will send out a newsletter prior to the beginning of each unit to communicate class level news, events and the academic focus.
Detailed elements of Burrville's Parent Engagement Plan can be obtained from Principal Roper.